Notice of Public Hearing - Municipal Development Plan
December 3 2024
Pursuant to Section 606 (2) of the Municipal Government Act (MGA), RSA 2000 being Chapter M-26 of the Statutes of Alberta, notice is hereby given that the Council of the Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 will hold a public hearing prior to the second reading of Bylaw No. 1008/DEV/2024.
Bylaw No. 1008/DEV/2024 proposes to repeal and replace the current Municipal Development Plan (MDP) Bylaw No. 868 with a new MDP for the MD. The MDP will serve as a blueprint for how the municipality will evolve, grow and thrive over the long-term, and guide planning and development decision-making.
The MDP draft has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Government Act, and was presented for community feedback at an Open House held on October 16, 2024. Additional information about the MDP project, including the summary information shared at the Open House, is available here:
Bylaw No. 1008/DEV/2024 has been given 1st reading by Council, and is now scheduled for a public hearing, as follows:
Date: Tuesday January 14, 2025
Time: 9.30am
Location: Council Chambers, M.D. of Fairview Office, 10957-91ST Avenue, Fairview, Alberta.
The proposed Bylaw may be viewed at the MD Office during regular hours or online at:
At the public hearing, Council will provide opportunity for formal public feedback, including hearing from anyone wanting to speak for or against the proposed MDP, in accordance with the MGA and Council Procedural Bylaw. Council may also hear any other persons that Council agrees to hear from.
If you would like to submit written comments, file a petition against the Bylaw, or require further information on the proposed Bylaw, please contact:
Lyndsey Lawrence, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, by phone at (780) 835-4903 or by email at
Please forward written submissions no later than 3:00 p.m. Friday January 10, 2025.