2024 Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Refresh

2024 Land Use Bylaw (LUB) Refresh

The Municipal District of Fairview No. 136 is in the process of developing a new Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The goal of the project is to create a bylaw that better serves the needs and interests of the community, while also positioning the MD to achieve its growth potential and aspirations. Following is some important information about the LUB refresh and how you can engage in the process.

What is the LUB?

The Land Use Bylaw serves as the “rule book” for the use of land and buildings within the municipality. Among others, the LUB divides all lands within the MD into appropriate districts (or zones) and determines the suitable uses of land and buildings within each district. The Land Use Bylaw also sets general regulations for all developments, such as landscaping, parking and building close to a waterbody, and special regulations for certain types of development, such as garden suites, manufactured homes and signs, to ensure safe community. Furthermore, the LUB sets standards for subdividing land, parcel size, building height and setbacks from property lines.

The LUB aims to balance individual landowner’s rights with the interests of the community. Its overall goal is to achieve orderly, efficient and economically beneficial development within the MD.

Why is the LUB being refreshed?

The current Land Use Bylaw was adopted by Council in 2010. Since then, the LUB has been amended more than 30 times to respond to varied circumstances, including legislative changes and trends in the development landscape. In addition, the MD adopted an Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) with the Town of Fairview in 2019, and is currently in the process of adopting a new Municipal Development Plan (MDP). Both documents contain polices that must be supported or implemented through the Land Use Bylaw. Developing a new Land Use Bylaw is a better and more efficient way to address these issues, rather than through individual amendments.

How will this affect you?

The new LUB will not affect any existing development in the municipality, unless you are expected to undertake new development. While some regulations may change and new regulations may be added, the new LUB will seek to expand the range of uses of land and buildings, thereby making it easier for landowners and prospective developers to develop property without necessarily having to amend the Land Use Bylaw.

What is the process and timeline?

A summary of the key phases and tentative timelines associated with the LUB refresh is shown. The timelines may change due to circumstances beyond the control of the MD and steering committee.  

Why must you engage?

The MD’s community-driven approach to the LUB development is guided by the belief and understanding that decision-making works best when it focuses on the community, and responds to the relevant economic, social, cultural and context that shapes the community and the wider region. This approach considers local values, opportunities and challenges in an intentional way. 

Without the active involvement of residents and other local actors the process, the LUB’s design, language and rules may not be fully understood and utilized by the community, potentially rending it less effective.

How can you engage?

There are a number of ways you can meaningfully engage in the LUB Refresh process as a resident, landowner, business owner, or stakeholder. Following are some of these:

Stay Tuned!

Visit the MD’s website and social media page for information and updates on the LUB project. Read any reports or publications about the LUB refresh.

Take the Survey!

Completing a survey is one the easiest ways to engage in the LUB refresh process. Surveys are short, easy-to-complete, confidential and, by their nature, anonymous. Surveys provide an opportunity to share your views, and bring forward any concerns and suggestions devoid of the “pressures” associated with group or public settings.

The LUB survey takes about 15-20 minutes to complete, and can be done online or in print. If you are a resident, landowner, businessowner or other interested party, please complete the survey here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MD136LUBR.

Print copies of the survey are also available at the following locations:

  • MD Office: 10957 - 91 Ave, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0
  • Fairview Regional Aquatic Center: 11219 - 95 Ave, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0
  • Fairview Public Library: 10209 109 St, Fairview, AB T0H 1L0

Please return completed surveys to the location from which you picked the form no later than July 15, 2024.

Attend Future Open House!

Once the new LUB draft is complete, it will be presented for public feedback at an Open House. The date, time and location of the Open House will be communicated in due course.

Contact the Project Coordinator!

You can also reach out directly to the Project Coordinator at the contact below to ask any questions you have, or share your ideas, comments or suggestions about the LUB Refresh.

Name: Komiete Tetteh

Manager of Planning

Mackenzie Municipal Services Agency (MMSA)  

Telephone: (780) 338-3862

Email: komiete@mmsa.ca 

Thank you for participating!