Attention MD Residents: Snow Management Guidelines
December 4 2024
As winter progresses, heavy snowfall may limit space for clearing snow from driveways and laneways. Please remember that snow must not be pushed across roads or into ditches outside your property. This practice creates safety hazards and can result in costly damage to municipal infrastructure.
Why is this important?
Safety Hazards:
- Obstructions: Snow piles on roads create hazards for motorists, school buses, graders, plows, and emergency vehicles.
- Accidents: Snow can freeze or compact, causing icy conditions or blocking the shoulders, increasing risks for all road users.
Road Damage & Drainage Issues:
- Erosion: Snow moisture degrades gravel roads, causing potholes, ruts, and other damages that require costly repairs.
- Flooding: Blocked ditches prevent proper drainage, leading to standing water, road damage, and potential flooding.
What should you do?
- Keep snow within your property boundaries.
- Use safe practices such as piling snow in designated areas or using snowblowers to direct snow away from roads and ditches.
Your cooperation helps keep our roads safe, well-maintained, and accessible for all residents.
Thank you for your attention to this matter!